A fellowship of Erollisi Marr
A message from Belisent.
Sodalitas (latin meaning fellowship/ compainionship/ secret society) The name was choosen to reflect on the principle idea of the guild. The name as well as the By-laws are subject to change.
What lays here is only a working fondation. A starting point from which to truly establish a strong guild. All points of the guilds structure shall be reviewed and approved of by the founding members.
The message board is up and running. CLICK HERE to go to message board.
We are a fellowship of Norrathian followers, seeking to enjoy our time in this world. We're here to have fun as individuals and as a fellowship not only with our fellow guild mates, but also with other Norrathians.
A guilds purpose is to promote fellowship and teamwork. In order to maintain the fun of the game for not only the hard core player but the occasional one also, the guild is based on relaxed policies. But it is understood that with out structure and rules there is chaos and chaos only inhibits the fun. There for the rules of this guild shall not be allowed to be changed or broken. The by-laws for this guild on the other hand, are structured in such a way as to leave room for rare exceptions and are open to change.
Level requirement - within 5 levels of the guilds average
Guild rules apply to all members at all times whether interacting with other guild mates or other players.
No guild member shall be allowed to disrupt the fun of others through words or actions
No excessive use of foul language
No kill stealing, pathing, training or nija looting
Guild tags shall be always be worn - (please use /roleplay if you wish to hide your class)
It is to the advantage of the guild that it's members have similar available log on times, so that no one feels they are left out or alone. It is suggested that members be those who normally have their most likely available log on times between 5pm and 1am EST Mon.-Fri. This is not to exclude or deny other available playing times, it is only to try and assure that the members in the guild are people that are most likely to be on during the same times. It does no one any good it their normal play time is in the morning and everyone else's is in the evening.
The guild is open to all races and classes. By allowing all races we open ourselves to the opportunity of a more well balance group. Although through roleplaying there are well known tensions between certain races, tension that can add to the excitement of the game, those tensions shall not be allowed to interfere with the enjoyment of anyone within or outside the guild.
All new members are on a 30 day probation. The probation period is to allow the new member a chance review the guild by-laws and to adjust to the way the guild works. It also give the guild a chance to review the playing style of the new member to insure they are truly a member for our guild. New members must add their character to the guild roster within the 30 day probation period.
All members are responsible for maintaining and updating their character info on the guild roster.
It shall be remembers by all members that the officers are here in this game for the same purpose as everyone else - to play the game for their own enjoyment. With that in mind, no member shall expect any officer to make their position a priority over their enjoyment of the game.
Officers duties shall primarily be 1) the actual act of inviting a person into the guild 2) to oversee the stability of the guild and it's rules
It is understood that due to the structure of the game, all guilds must have a guild leader. Even though this is true even for our guild, we shall for all intensive purpose ignore this fact and treat the guild leader as nothing more than as an officer with the extra ability of promoting members to the status of officer.
Requirements for becoming an officer are 1) must be a member of the guild for more than 90 days. 2) No disciplinary actions in the past 90 days.
Any member can organize an event. It is not the duty of any officer to make sure there are events plan for the guild. Officers are not the baby-sitters or the cruise directors for the guild. Guild members who are concerned that there are not enough events to keep them happy, need to take the initiative on there own to plan events.
The member organizing an event is responsible for all aspects of the event including but not limited to: date, time, announcement of the event, looting policy, and insuring all attendees are aware the plan and rules.
For an event to be considered a guild event, it must be announced prior to the event.
No guild event shall have mandatory attendance.
All guild events (with the exception of guild meetings) shall be open to anyone inside or outside the guild, who wish to attend.
Guild events that have a planned starting time shall start at that time. Members who wish to take part in a guild event must have the courtesy of showing up on time and prepared.
Any person from outside the guild attending a guild event shall be held to the same rules and standards as guild members. The guild member who invites a non-guild member to a guild event is responsible for the person(s) they invite to a guild event.
Any guild event hunt with 7+ in attendance shall be handled in raid channel so that all can participate and receive any gain equally.
Guild meetings are to be arranged when necessary to discuss improvements and growth of the guild.
Guild meetings shall be announce at least 1 week prior to the meeting.
Guild meetings attendance is encouraged but not mandatory
Guild meetings shall be conducted in guild chat.
All attempts shall be made to schedule guild meetings in conjunction with a guild event and shall be held before the start of the event. Those meetings not associated with a guild event shall be held strictly through guild chat allowing members to remain in whatever location they are currently in reducing the need for travel.
A summary of the guild meeting shall be posted within 24hr after the meeting so that all members are informed of the guild status.
Loot rules must be announced prior to the hunt.
In general looting rules shall be prioritized as followed
an event organized for the purpose of attaining a specific item for a specific person, that item shall go to that person 1st
If an event is organized for attaining a specific item for multiple persons it is the responsibility of those individuals to determine loot order of the item
All persons attending the hunt are eligible to roll on unexpected finds regardless of class, race or need of item.
If a rare or semi-rare item is known to be found in the area of the hunt and is not the specific item being sought, the "need before greed" policy applies ONLY if announced prior to the hunts beginning, otherwise the item will be considered an unexpected find and all attendees shall be eligible for the roll. Need before greed - meaning those persons who can use the item and are without an equal or greater item than that found, are eligible to roll. (NOTE: for persons with multiple characters, only the character they have in attendance to the hunt will be considered)
Communication is a key factor to this game due to the fact you never know who is going to be on or when. Making sure everyone knows what is going on at any given time is relevant in managing our precious time on the game as well as off. Unfortunately we can not all be on at the same time so these forms of communication become valuable to our game playing. We can however establish ways to make the best use of our time communicating to each other.
It should also be strongly noted that in respect of other guild members, when a query is made by a guild mate, whether inside or outside the game, a response while not mandatory is common curtsey even if your answer to the query is "I don't know". A query left unanswered only leaves the quester feeling ignored.
MESSAGE BOARD The message board is our best form of communication outside the game since it can be check anytime we have a spare moment. The message board is not required reading but it is strongly suggested that each member use it when ever possible in order to save valuable time in game. No one wants to waste valuable time searching through countless messages on the message boards. Clarifying any post in the subject line will help save time reading the message board.
To help cut our time searching through trivial posts it is requested that anyone posting planned events include in the subject: the place, date and min level. (i.e. Mistmore, March 20, lvl 15+) This will aid our guild mates in searching for events that may apply to them without them have to go through each post. The actual message should be brief and include meeting place, starting time (including time zone) and the goal of the event. It should also include any loot rules that apply.
Posts for the need of an item or the sale of an item should be made clear in the subject line. (i.e. Looking for Mistmore shield. Or Selling Mistmore shield 5pp, free to guild mates)
The message board gods reserve the right to move any post to an appropriate section or to delete any messages deemed inappropriate.
IN GAME CHANNELS Attempts should be made to make use of our ability to create channels during events. Please keep event chats to either group, raid or create a channel for that event. By keeping event chat off the guild only channel it will not only help others by not spaming their chat window with messages they do not need to read, but will make messages that are meant for the whole guild more noticeable. Those not at your hunt do not need to know that you are pulling or OOM. Private conversations should be kept to tells or private channels. If you don't want everyone putting their 2c worth into the conversation, take it where they can't.
Any problem with a guild member should be brought to the attention of an officer. Officers shall review all complaints before disciplinary action is taken.
Any member found to be acting inappropriate to the standards of the guild may be subject to disciplinary actions.
First offense: Warning 90/30 probation (member shall be on a 90 day probation. If a second offense is within 30 days the member will be disbanded immediately)
Second offense: If within the first offense 90 days the member will be on a 30 day probation commencing on 2nd offense.
Third offense: removal from the guild
Any member who is disbanded for disciplinary actions will have all associated characters removed as well.
Many people choose to have multiple characters. This choice is theirs and theirs alone. If a member has an additional character that is not guilded or in another guild, we respect their right to play the game as they choose. The guild can not and shall not make rules governing possession of characters outside the guild.
A member with multiple characters within the guild shall have each character treated individually except in matters that concern guild votes or disciplinary actions.
Voting - there shall be one vote per RL person not per character member in the guild
Disciplinary actions - any disciplinary action brought upon a person shall be reflected on all their characters in the guild.
It is known that as a player grows, their needs in the game may change. Any member leaving the guild may do so without fear of repercussions from the guild.
Anyone wishing to RE-join the guild 1) can not do so within the first 30 days of leaving the guild 2) their re-membership must be voted and approved on by the guild.
Sound like a guild for you?
Look for me on Line
Belisent of Erollis Marr
or email me at